Monday, September 16, 2024

Testing a new device!

 Hi all,

At this moment I am a beta-testet for a DCC project. Its a device called Automaus that can automate small layouts without needing a computer. It works on a Arduino base and the software is written by someone who is specialized in that.

It functions on 5 basic command lines and within limitations; maximal 48 detector points, around 10 locos and 20 swiches/signals. Detectors used are S88N ones. The thing communicates over XPressNet bus. So it is usable with Roco Multimaus in first, I'm testing it now with a Lenz LH200 system. It will be available for customers end 2024 / early 2025.

The 5 basic commands can be formed to max 100 lines to automate your small layout. More info coming!

The test layout:

The device:

Lenz LH100 handhelds:

Youtube clips on my channel: 

More to come!

Grtz, Ronald.