Hi all, work is going on. First some fine turf overall:
After drying:
With the actors:
Now the bigger brushes. From my friend Martin Welberg from Martin Welberg Scenery I got some testmats and not-approved-for-sale mats. They came in very handy now. Tore them off and applied them with white glue:
Looks better already!:
He has a fine range of brushes so I applied some of them:
The mats:
The big brushes are in place:
Now its time for the finer stuff. One of my favourites to use are the Heki Flor and Microflor products:
Cut them in random pieces:
Then smaller pieces:
Apply dots of white glue:
Tear the little piece in all directions and after that drop it in the glue and form it a little with your fingers. The result is very good low growth:
With some flower tufts:
Ready for the grass fibers:
The grassfibers are applied with a static applicator from RTS. Its there 55 kV model and it works great up to 12 mm long fibers. Very easy to use, its power is a 9V block battery:
First lightbrown fibers:
Brown is all ready:
Starting with the green:
And ready:
All took me a good hour of work. Overall view:
Closeups. Middle:
Left corner:
Right corner:
The case needed a little more depth, applied a small strip of wood on the front:
Painted in the right colour:
And with the front screwed on:
Very happy with it! My friend Ronald (yes, same name!!) has a laser and is designing and making some typical ACW gate stuff so stay tuned. More to come!