Saturday, August 6, 2022

Some technical stuff.

I added a little extra in the showcase. Its a controller for ledstrips I had for a long while (2014!). It can make some nice lighteffects on a RGB strip which I build in the back of the base:

First I ordered my stuff on the back. Glued the wires and made 2 9 volt blockholders in series to get 18 volt DC for the RGB controler (which operates between 12 and 24V DC):

It is nice isn't it?:

Bougt dome flexibel paint tape in colour to lay over the strips in the case:

Pink in the middle, yellow in front and back. Here you look into the roof:

The effectmodule makes a fire in the background. There IS a war going on ;) :

And a small movie to see the effect:
More to come!

Grtz, Ronald.

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