Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Build me a Howe Truss bridge!

 A total other project ongoing is this Campbell kit

 Today I visit a copyshop here in the neighbourhood and let them made copies so that my original drawings stay clean. The copies will be placed on a sheet of wood so that the sides and bottom can be build 100% flat:

This is what it will be:

The kit is provided with a good quality wood, and all extra is sorted out in little bags:

The main bridge parts and the extra parts plus details:

The bridge building is pure for me to practice, and I like this type of building a lot. The kit by the way I bought in England at Hattons, and a friend of mine picked it up when he visited Great Britain last week.

Stay tuned. This week I order some stain for the wood.

Btw, I have aquired a second Campbell kit which is the wharf kit. I will adapt the ACW plan to see if I can adapt the wharf kit to that plan:

Grtz, Ronald. 

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