Sunday, March 31, 2024

New 0N30 layout in the making!

 Hi all,

We are in the process of building a new small exhibition layout in 0N30. It will be a swamp layout based on Louisiana swamp logging. Focus will be the swamp, cypress trees and a small harbour. We is myself and my wife Wanda who will build the trees and some buildings.

It will be around 4,5 feet by 1,5 feet visible and a equal part non-visible as runaround staging.


It will feature a Kitwood Hill Models paddlesteamer. 

We use wood from a JV Models kit.

And Coffee stir sticks.

Wanda will build this Plantation house as background model.

The best tool ever: the NWSL Cutter!


Later more!

Grtz, Ronald. 

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