Saturday, December 15, 2012

Painting the first white metal cannon from Perry Miniatures

As I am not that mobile at this very moment with my backproblems I can't work on the layout. Instead I took a Perry kit yesterday and started with that one.

After asking in the Civil War Yahoo group about the colour I decided to make the first one olive green. For that I used the Revell Aqua nr 46. The black parts where painted with the Vallejo black nr 169. The rope got Vallejo nr 138 (saddle brown). After drying it got a black wash Vallejo lavado negro black shade). When that dryed I brushed the green parts lightly together with the black ones. Last I drybrushed with Vallejo sky grey 154.
The result:

Maybe it is a little overdone but I'm reasonably glad with the result. 

Later more!

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